Below you will find links to a whole range of learning tips, tricks, and techniques that I have benefited from over the 16 years that I have been living in Spain and studying Spanish. I wish I had known them all at the start of my language study journey, but things have worked out pretty well over time considering everything.
None of these are shortcuts however. A trick to help you learn Spanish still needs you to do some studying! But they may help you to avoid getting discouraged and to keep on pushing forward with your Spanish language level.
Why you must always carry your language learning notebook: A simple thing but the simple things in life can be the most valuable.
Why everyone needs an intercambio: Language enables communication between two people, so the sooner you get comfortable speaking Spanish face to face with others, the better!
Great Google tip to help you learn Spanish: You might know this Google search technique, but for those who don’t…
Practice your weak points: Painful but necessary.
Taking advantage of opportunities to shine: Do the preparation and you will get the most out of life.
Using Positive Reinforcement in your Spanish Study: We all need encouragement.
Avoid using English: It’s too easy to lapse back into our comfort zone. Don’t be tempted!
But sometimes it’s best to stay in your comfort zone: But sometimes a rest is well deserved.

Will living in Spain accelerate my Spanish? You know the answer.
What about online Spanish courses? Do they work and more importantly, are they worth the investment.
Are you making these common Spanish mistakes? We all make mistakes. So let’s fix some of them.
The challenges and rewards of learning Spanish as an adult. Hats off to those of you who are learning Spanish as an adult. I know how hard it is but it could change your life.
Cracking the code of the subjunctive tense: This is the grammar that I personally have the most trouble with.
Need help with your Spanish homework? Get organized, here’s how.
Are online Spanish course worth the money? Well are they?
How to create a personalized Spanish study plan: Another call for good preparation. I am a fan (through painful experience).
Take every opportunity to speak Spanish: Dive in.
Do foreign language speakers have better jobs? It can’t hurt to speak another language, can it?
Free Spanish podcasts and TV: Some resources to help you advance.
Why I love Spanish language comics: Context my friends.
Committed practice beats osmosis: Another call for hard work. Sorry to break it to you.