Studying grammatical themes is the standard way of learning a language, either using books or courses. One week you study the present tense, the next week you move to adjectives and on and on it goes. But my brain struggles with this formalized method and I find it difficult to apply what I am learning in actual real life situations where I want to speak Spanish.
One thing that can be difficult for Spanish learners is figuring out how to use the language in real-life situations. After all, textbooks and grammar exercises can only take you so far. To really master the language, you need to be able to use it spontaneously in day-to-day conversation.
When it comes to learning the Spanish language, there is no substitute for using real-life examples. After all, that is how we learn our native tongue. By hearing and seeing the language used in everyday situations, we gain an understanding of how it works. This process is known as immersion.
Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to travel to and learn in a Spanish-speaking country or live in a Hispanic community. That’s where using Spanish language examples from day-to-day life comes in handy. By reading and listening to authentic materials, you can get a feel for the rhythm and flow of the language. You’ll also pick up on common phrases and expressions that you can use in your own conversations.
Best of all, using Spanish language examples in real life situations is fun! There’s nothing like being able to practice your new skills with native speakers. So next time you’re watching your favorite telenovela or listening to Latin music, pay attention to the language being used.
The solution that works for me (and maybe for you) is to collect groups of vocabulary around situations, seek out real world examples of these Spanish words in use, and then use them myself in that very situation. This is how the knowledge sticks in my brain.
So, here are a set of links to various real-life Spanish phrases grouped by the contexts in which you might use them. Each section has several different useful example Spanish phrases that you can use in that context. Write them down in your study notebook, add your own that are pertinent to your particular circumstances, and keep making progress with your Spanish language learning.

Saying hello and goodbye in Spanish.
Spanish phrases for use in a bar.
Asking for directions in Spanish.
Spanish phrases for the internet and computers.
Wishing a happy birthday in Spanish
Useful Spanish Christmas phrases
Numbers and counting in Spanish
Shopping for clothes in Spanish