Introducing yourself in Spanish is an important skill to have when meeting new people or starting a conversation in a Spanish-speaking environment. Whether you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, taking a Spanish class, or just want to learn more about the language and culture, being able to introduce yourself in Spanish is a great way to make a good first impression. Being confident when introducing yourself and having more vocabulary than just being able to say hello in Spanish is a solid base for building longer lasting relationships in a different language.
To introduce yourself in Spanish, you can use the phrases “Me llamo” (My name is) or “Soy” (I am) followed by your name. For example, if your name is Maria, you can say “Me llamo Maria” (My name is Maria) or “Soy Maria” (I am Maria).

Here are a few more examples of how to introduce yourself in Spanish:
- Hola, soy Juan. ¿Cómo te llamas? (Hello, I am Juan. What is your name?)
- Hola, me llamo Teresa. ¿Y tú? (Hello, my name is Teresa. And you?)
- Hola, soy Carlos. Mucho gusto. (Hello, I am Carlos. Nice to meet you.)
In addition to your name, you can also include other information about yourself when introducing yourself in Spanish. For example, you can mention your occupation, where you’re from, or your interests. Here are some phrases you can use to share more information about yourself:
- Soy de… (I am from…)
- Trabajo como… (I work as…)
- Me gusta… (I like…)
Here are some examples of how you can use these phrases to introduce yourself in Spanish and share more information about yourself:
- Hola, soy Ana. Soy de México. Me gusta bailar y leer. (Hello, I am Ana. I am from Mexico. I like to dance and read.)
- Hola, me llamo David. Soy de Colombia. Trabajo como abogado. (Hello, my name is David. I am from Colombia. I work as a lawyer.)
- Hola, soy Marta. Soy de España. Me gusta hacer senderismo y cocinar. (Hello, I am Marta. I am from Spain. I like to hike and cook.)
It’s also important to remember to use formal and polite language when introducing yourself in Spanish. In Spanish-speaking countries, it’s common to use formal language when meeting someone for the first time or in more formal settings, such as a business meeting or a job interview. To show respect and politeness, you can use the formal pronoun “usted” (you) instead of the informal pronouns “tú” (you, singular informal) or “vos” (you, singular informal, used in some countries). You can also use the formal verb conjugation endings -a/-an instead of -o/-as/-a.
Here are some examples of how to introduce yourself in a formal way in Spanish:
- Buenas tardes, soy Luis. Mucho gusto en conocerlo. (Good afternoon, I am Luis. Nice to meet you.)
- Buenas noches, me llamo Ana. Mucho gusto en conocerla. (Good evening, my name is Ana. Nice to meet you.)
- Buenos días, soy Marta. Mucho gusto en conocerlo. (Good morning, I am Marta. Nice to meet you.)
A very important point to be aware of is that in some Spanish-speaking regions, particularly in Latin America, it is common to use “lo” when addressing someone formally. For example, “Mucho gusto en conocerlo” used in the example above.
On the other hand, in certain regions, including Spain itself, you are more likely to hear “le” instead of “lo” in formal introductions. For instance, “Mucho gusto en conocerle.”
For a Spanish learner, understanding these variations is crucial for effective communication. The choice between “lo” and “le” depends on the specific rules followed in the region or country where the language is spoken.